Colorado Avalanche Information Center
The Powder Factory is dedicated to supporting the skiing community in many ways, and takes pride in donating a percentage of all sales to the CAIC and other avalanche awareness programs.
A little about the CAIC:
The CAIC began in 1973 as the Colorado Avalanche Warning Center. It is the oldest public avalanche forecast program in the United States. The Warning Center grew out of the US Forest Service’s avalanche research efforts. The US Forest Service dropped the program in 1983 due to budget cuts. That winter the CAIC found a home with the Colorado Department of Natural Resources, and in 1987 the CAIC was placed into the administration of the Colorado Geological Survey. In 1993 the Colorado Department of Transportation contracted with the CAIC to forecast for many mountain roads. CAIC forecasters work closely with the Department of transportation to keep mountain highways open and travelers safe.